- "The concept connotes poverty, structural imbalance, socio-economic injustice, and lack or insufficient access to basic needs but looking deeper, the term can also refer to the effect of the rise of the very few in power- politically, culturally, and economically, rendering the rest of the population unable to take their just share of that power." (L. Angeles)
- "Underdeveloped and overdependent nations" (A. Bruselas)
- "A label which distinguishes the poor and marginalized countries from that of advanced and industrialized nations" (M. Caranto)
- "Pertains to developing countries that are heavily dependent on foreign capital and information technology for their economic growth" (L. Dela Cruz)
- "An economic category comprised of underdeveloped nations from Asia, Latin America, and Africa" (A. Duquiatan)
- "Collectively described to be less developed, heavily exploited, underrepresented and is observed to experience poor access to economic, political, cultural and social opportunities" (Y. Fernandez)
- "Consists of poor and developing countries that are often dependent to other countries for their development" (F. Francisco)
- "A term used to describe an underdeveloped nation which can't go along with the fast-paced globalization" (C. Gamao)
- "Struggling to achieve development in the social, cultural, political, and economic aspects" (K. Honrade)
- "Countries whose rich resources are being exploited by transnational corporations"
(K. Mayoca) - "The most exploited world where labor force is abundant but salary/benefit is low"
(C. Lopez) - "Refers to former colonies that lack substantial capital to further its growth and development hence its continued dependence to developed countries" (J. Meneses)
- "Pertains to countries with less available opportunities for development than those in the first world" (P. Rosales)
- "Regarded as the Global South struggling to industrialize by following the steps of the Global North" (K. Villanueva)
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