In some Places you will see poor people mistreated. Do not be surprised when they are not treated fairly or given rights. One officer is cheated by a higher officer who in turn is cheated by even higher officers. The wealth of the country is divided up among them all. Even the king makes sure he gets his share of the profits.
There is something else wrong that happens here on earth. It is the kind on mistake rulers make: Fools are given important positions while gifted people are given lower ones; I have seen servants ride horses while princes walk like servants on foot.
A boy became king He had been born poor in the kingdom and had even gone to prison before becoming king. I watched all the people who live on earth follow him and make him their king. Many followed him at first, but later, they did not like him, either. So fame and power are useless, like chasing the wind.
Ecclesiastes 4: 14-15
When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.
Ecclesiastes 8: 11
How terrible for a country.. whose leaders eat all morning.
How blessed is a country... whose leaders eat only at mealtime and for strength, not to get drunk.
Ecclesiastes 10: 16-17
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